Signit Guide to Complete a Capterra Review.

Your voice matters! By leaving a review on Capterra, you have the power to shape the software landscape and help countless businesses make informed decisions. Your experience and insights are valuable to other users

So taking a few minutes to write a review on Capterra would be a great help.

Just like anything else, starting a new thing, no matter how straightforward can often feel intimidating. That’s why we’re here to lend a hand! We’ve prepared easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions


Step 1: Sign in to Capterra

Click the following link and sign in through your LinkedIn account (easiest way), or you can sign in through your email address.

review first page in capterra


Step 2: Rate Signit on Capterra

You can review our product and rate our features in this section

Capterra Review


Step 3: Review our product

We encourage you to complete as many questions as possible. It’s valuable to consider answering the questions as they assist fellow users.

product review in capterra

You can check some reviews our old users have given us.


Step 4: Submit your review

You have completed all the sections, just take a moment to review your answers, tick the checkbox at the end, and then click “Submit”

review submitting in Capterra


We are done 🙂