A guide to Electronic Signatures in KSA

Electronic Signatures in KSA

Electronic Signatures in KSA are very simple, yet effective tool that allows organizations to sign documents from any device. Creating legally binding documents that are admissible in courts.

Using them results in reducing risks, saving time, increasing flexibility and an overall better customer experience.

So what are E-signatures? And how do they work? We’ll take a look at all of their aspects in this article.

The Arabic-first, Saudi-born E-Signature Solution

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What is an E-Signature?

An electronic signature is simply a signature in an electronic form. It is essentially a process that uses devices (like computers, phones or tablets) to sign agreements online, enable the signatories to approve with the terms in a document and authenticate the signers identities.

How do they work?

Electronic signatures authenticate, track and store signatures and signer’s information at every stage of the contract lifecycle.

resulting in a completely signed document by the end of it and an Audit trail that captures every activity done on the signature request, by whom and when.

Users usually prepare signature requests using platforms like Signit, that provide them with tools to easily upload, store, send and share agreements with their clients or colleagues.

Check Also: All you need to know about E-signature Audit Trails

What are their benefits?

  • Going paperless: E-signatures reduce the heavy consumption of papers to prepare agreements, which allows companies to save resources and go green.
  • Increased flexibility: signers can easily sign from anywhere, making it efficient to do business remotely or complete transactions on the go.
  • Reduced costs: E-signatures help companies save a lot of money, by saving time to prepare agreements and shifting the focus on executing more value-adding activities. They can also save the resources spent on printing, postage and filling storage expenses.
  • Increased efficiency: the whole signing process is fully automated, enabling document owners to clearly see who signed and when.

Signing softwares like Signit provides a Dashboard tool that easily shows the status of agreements (like awaiting your action, or completed).

The software also stores signed documents, making them easier to locate.

Are Electronic Signatures legal in Saudi Arabia?

E-signatures are legally binding in Saudi Arabia. As per Article 14 in Saudi eTransactions Law established in 2007: “The electronic signatures in KSA shall be equal to a handwritten signature, having the same legal effects.”

This means that an electronic signature carries the same weight and legal effect as a traditional paper document with an ink signature.

Check also: All you need to know about E-signature Audit Trails

The Arabic-first, Saudi-born E-Signature Solution

Manage and sign your agreements in a fast and secure way

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Where are they used?

Businesses in all sectors benefit from using electronic signatures tools including small, medium and enterprise-level companies.

E-signature can be essential in providing a fast, easy and effective solution for signing agreements. 

It is often used in:

  • Schools, universities and educational institutions.
  • Legal firms.
  • Financial services.
  • Sales teams.
  • HR teams.
  • Hospitals and healthcare institutions.
  • Marketing agencies.
  • Recruiting and Staffing companies.
  • Non profit organizations.

And many more.

E-signatures can help you have better contract management and allow you to make signing an easy, safe and effective process for your clients and employees.

Sign up for a free trial with Signit and start your e-signing journey today.

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